Green Hills Retirement Community (Green Hills) started out as a dream and was made possible with a simple bake sale 49 years ago. Ira Thut and Walter Lautenback of West Liberty, along with a group of villagers, wanted to build a “Senior Citizen Village.” The group dreamed of a place where their elders could live with dignity and security. They formed committees, had meetings and started fundraising to tackle the $1.5 million price tag. In 1971, the group decided to start a bake sale to kick-off their fundraising efforts. Their bake sale ended up landing the group with $2,322, which today equates to $10,505. Later, the group received a $1 Million grant from the Mary Ellen Morris Fund for the bulk of the project. Seven churches voiced their support and saw the value in building this “Senior Citizen Village.” With the help of the congregations at Grace Chapel, Bethel Church, South Union Mennonite, Oak Grove Mennonite, Mt. Carmel Friends and the United Church of Christ in West Liberty, the remaining $500,000 was raised to build Green Hills. Since then, Green Hills has strived to meet the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs of their elders. It is their mission to offer a secure environment, a sense of dignity and help to retain their lifestyle. Green Hills has added to their facility with the help of the Farmers Home Administration and installed apartments as well as child care, making Green Hills the first in the state of Ohio to offer childcare in the nursing center. Green Hills is also the second in the nation to offer a specific memory care unit. Today, Green Hills offers Independent Living Homes, Affordable Housing Apartments, Assisted Living, Health Care, Short Term Rehab, an Adult Day program, child care, memory care, an aquatic fitness center and recently acquired Universal Home Health and Hospice. Green Hills has been a loyal Logan County Chamber Member for 42 years and was awarded the Integrity in Business Award from the Chamber in 2017. Please join us in congratulating Green Hills Retirement Community for being selected as the October Business of the Month.
September 2024