Frequently Asked Questions
How do I apply?
Our initial program application is very simple! We want to know a little about you, your interest in the program, and your willingness to fully immerse yourself in all LoCo Gap Year can offer. Our team will use this as an initial screening for potential Gap Year participants. From the applications, follow-up interviews will be scheduled to narrow down our final 8-10 person cohort for the 2023-24 program year. Take 3-minutes to fill our the initial application here
What age range do you accept for the program?
Participants must be 17-20 years of age when entering the program.
What level of education is required?
Participants must have either already graduated high school or have an expected graduation date prior to program commencement in August 2022.
What are the academic requirements?
We don’t have specific GPA or class rank requirements as we know these are not the only indicator of future success. We require that you have graduated high school and are willing to fully commit to the program for 12-months (fulltime paid employment, living in the gap year house, engaging in community with your fellow participants, and engage in faith conversations)
What does the program cost?
There is no fee to participate in the LoCo Gap Year program. Once accepted you will be responsible for covering your own housing and normal living expenses. There will be a small charge for a background check as part of your housing onboarding process. Monthly housing is expected to cost $400-$450 and will be paid directly to P. Allan Properties – the owner of the LoCo Gap Year house.
Where will I be living?
Our program is proud to partner with a local property management company by the name of P. Allan Properties. They have prepared a 2-story home exclusively for the LoCo Gap Year program participants. The first floor will house female participants and the 2nd floor male participants (up to 5 people/floor). Yes, you will have roommates and housemates! Our target is 5 guys and 5 girls. The floors are not directly connected and will have separate secure entrances. The house will have fully furnished bedrooms, living room, and kitchen. Furnishing will even include tv’s and at least one game system. You will be more than impressed with your new home!
What will housing cost?
You will be paying $400-$450/month in rent for your shared living arrangements. Your upfront deposit and first month rent will be covered by a local grant so this will allow you time to begin collecting a paycheck from your new fulltime job in the community.
Can I have a car?
Yes! In fact, you are required to have reliable transportation to commute to and from your fulltime employment during the program. We have plenty of parking at the LoCo Gap Year house and want you to be able to enjoy the freedom to explore the many activities and attractions of Logan County.
Can I bring my pet?
No. Pets are not permitted in the program house.
What does the spiritual life look like in the program?
Spiritual formation is one of the most important aspects of LoCo Gap Year. We want to provide an environment that fosters community, encouragement, and spiritual growth. Your program cohort of 10 participants will be where much of this growth takes place. The staff at Bellefontaine Grace Church (BGC) will be responsible for facilitating the faith aspects of the program. Spiritual development will come through multiple means under the direction of BGC: small groups (called Grace Groups), community and church service projects (with your program cohort), 1-on-1 discipleship, time spent with community faith leaders, accountability, and much more.
See some of the BGC staff and families you will be learning from on the BGC website.
This year will undoubtedly deepen your relationship with Christ and how you live out being an active and passionate disciple at home, work, and in the community.
See some of the BGC staff and families you will be learning from on the BGC website.
This year will undoubtedly deepen your relationship with Christ and how you live out being an active and passionate disciple at home, work, and in the community.
What is the statement of faith of the church ministry?
You can learn more about Bellefontaine Grace Church and what the church believes here -
Is LoCo Gap Year offering jobs to the people who apply?
Yes. LoCo Gap Year has partnerships with multiple area employers who are eager to welcome you onto their team in a full-time capacity from August 2023-August 2024. These are well-paying positions with benefits. Current program partners include: Mary Rutan Hospital, AGC Automotive, World Class Plastics, Green Hills Community, Citizens Federal Savings & Loan, P. Allan Properties, Marker, Inc., Marie's Candies and The Transportation Research Center
Diverse job opportunities and career exploration are available within each business.
Upon acceptance into the program, you will be given the option to apply for positions at the partner employers of your choosing. To keep things legal, you will have to complete the standard employment application process outlined by each employer. This is excellent life experience and partly why a professional resume is required as part of your program application process.
Diverse job opportunities and career exploration are available within each business.
Upon acceptance into the program, you will be given the option to apply for positions at the partner employers of your choosing. To keep things legal, you will have to complete the standard employment application process outlined by each employer. This is excellent life experience and partly why a professional resume is required as part of your program application process.
Are the program dates flexible?
No the program runs August 5, 2023 – August 3, 2024. Being in the same space at the same time is critical to building personal relationships and community. Your job opportunities will also be on a set calendar.